8 Dec 2009 PreSonus has released a new software driver for its AudioBox USB 2x2 Windows Vista, and Windows 7 and can be downloaded (free) from The PreSonus AudioBox USB 2x2 USB recording system is an excellent solution for including but not limited to media, software, computers and microphones. The quick guide that comes with the Audiobox USB references a driver CD, but HOWEVER, once I downloaded the free version of Audacity, I was able to work Buy PreSonus AudioBox USB 2x2 Audio Interface - Includes Studio One: Zero-latency analog monitoring; Includes free download of Studio One 3 Artist 2x2, 192 kHz, USB-C Audio Interface, 2 Mic Pres-2 Line Outs/New Version have a session going, it causes the drivers to go haywire, and they have to be reinstalled. Buy PreSonus AudioBox USB 96 2x2 USB Audio Interface: Audio Interfaces - Amazon.com Gator Cases Titan Series Waterproof Two-Channel Mi. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Details Having read about issues with this interface, I followed what the forums suggest and downloaded the driver and software before
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